Posts by Clare Seal

Clare Seal is the creator of the @myfrugalyear Instagram community, financial coach and author of Real Life Money (Hachette 2020) and Five Steps to Financial Wellbeing (Hachette 2022). She works to demystify and reduce shame around personal finances, discussing how mindset, privilege and circumstances contribute to our financial lives and emotional wellbeing, giving guidance on how we can resolve money worries for good. The @myfrugalyear Instagram community was founded in March 2019, and has grown a following of over 100,000 people. It mixes practical financial tips with mental health and emotional wellbeing content.

How to share the cost of a family fairly

Parents sat playing in window bay with baby

Newborn | | Clare Seal

Naturally, topics such as lifestyle changes, career considerations, and living arrangements are parts of the discussion that may arise with your partner when you plan to expand your family. However, it is crucial to ensure that the subject of finances is not overlooked when planning for your family's future.

Managing your return to work

Newborn | | Clare Seal

When it comes to returning to work after your maternity leave, the logistics can be overwhelming. Our finance expert, Clare, has shared her valuable advice to craft a well-structured plan and smoothly navigate your return to work,

Financially adjusting as a new family

Mum with newborn baby in sling

Newborn | | Clare Seal

New parents often face stress due to money concerns while adjusting various aspects of their lives. The key to managing your new financial situation is through planning, preparation, and flexibility, keeping in mind that lifestyle adjustments are temporary.