Getting help with breastfeeding - Useful contacts

If you're finding breastfeeding a bit of a struggle, it's worth getting some expert help.
Getting a bit of extra help with breastfeeding
Breastfeeding isn't always easy to begin with, and it’s natural to feel a little anxious. After all, you and your baby are on a steep learning curve!
If you're finding breastfeeding difficult or if you're thinking about giving up, it's well worth speaking to a health professional first; it's not easy to go back once you've made the change.
Useful contacts
National Childbirth Trust (NCT)
0300 330 0700
National Breastfeeding Helpline
08442 090 920 or 0300 100 0212
Webchat available at
Breastfeeding Network
0300 100 0210
Ask another mum
Mums who are experienced at breastfeeding can be a huge source of support and useful information. It can also be a relief to find out that other mums have been thinking or feeling the same as you!