7-8 weeks old
Babies of this age...
- Will smile at you - and everybody else, too!
- May respond with little noises - oohs and aaahs - when being talked to
- Will gurgle and coo, and might even chuckle
- May be able to hold their heads up for a little while
- Will turn toward sounds and watch moving objects
- Enjoy playing peek-a-boo
- Start to open their hands more often, instead of keeping them in a fist most of the time
Your baby's milestones
Babies develop from the head down. This means the neck muscles are one of the first areas to develop, and you will notice your baby is becoming much more capable when it comes to holding his or her head steady.
All babies are different, so try not to worry if your baby seems to be lagging a bit behind other babies (or boast if yours is ahead!). They all develop at their own pace.
The age at which babies reach developmental milestones may vary, but the order of the milestones is usually the same.
Your baby may still seems too little for this, but the first round of immunisations comes at around 8 weeks! At this visit, your baby will get a 5-in-one vaccine known as DTaP/IPV/Hib, which protects against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio and Hib (an infection that can cause severe pneumonia or meningitis). Your baby will also get a vaccination to protect against pneumococcal infection. For more information about each of these vaccines, you can visit the NHS vaccination planner.
Babies generally don't approve of vaccinations (smart little sausages!) and you may find your baby is a bit unsettled for up to 48 hours after the visit. He or she might also have a mild fever and/or have a lump around the injection site. Your GP, health visitor or other health professional can give you advice on how to keep your baby comfortable.
Getting yourself organised
By now, you’re probably getting into more of a routine and have got used to having this new little person around. Babies are a joy, but they’re hard work too! Don’t forget to look after yourself and make the most of any time you get to yourself. Try to eat properly too.
People will tell you to take a nap when the baby does, but this isn’t always easy - particularly if you have another child or children. If you can manage it, going to bed early most nights is a good plan, particularly if you are up half the night feeding.
‘Me’ time
Some women find it easy to ignore mess or chores, others can’t relax unless the place is clean and tidy. Your best bet is to prioritise and do only what is very important to you and try to let the rest wait. Getting out to have your hair cut while your partner or mum babysits can do you much more good than cleaning the floor!
And while we're on the subject of hair, if your hair seems to be coming out in handfuls, this is only because the hormones circulating in your body during pregnancy made your hair much thicker and it’s now returning to normal. (Whew!)