Fun finger food recipes for your baby

We’ve put together 5 finger food recipes to make mealtime, while allowing your child to practice independent self-feeding.
We’ve put together 5 finger food recipes to make mealtime, while allowing your child to practice independent self-feeding.
Here are some of the few key changes we made that completely changed the "fussy eating" game.
Here are the three things that I would tell myself at the beginning of our weaning journey…
Weaning | Recipes | | Jade Gibbs
When babies first begin on their weaning journey, they’re already much more accepting of sweet than savoury and it’s sometimes difficult to bring them to eat new flavours. That's why we have asked Jade to create some recipes for us using our jars.
We checked in with Rebecca to see how Noah and Rosalie are finding weaning with HiPP jars...
Weaning |
It's important that your toddlers are getting their spoonful of yummy veggies. Your little one will benefit from nutritious greens - learn more about why here.
Weaning |
Read on to find why iron is so important to your little one as they grow and develop.