
Posts by HiPP Organic

A collection of blog posts written by our in-house experts and team of HiPP mums!

The breastfeeding journey

Baby holding mum's finger whilst breastfeeding

Feeding | | HiPP Organic

Breastfeeding may be natural, but it's not always easy. We've put together a guide to help you learn the tips and tricks for achieving a great breastfeeding experience every time.

A parent’s guide to common newborn problems

Mum cradling crying baby

Newborn | | HiPP Organic

From reflux to feeding difficulties, the first few weeks of a baby's life can present a range of challenges. That's why we have put together this parent's guide to common newborn problems – so you'll feel more equipped to handle whatever comes your way.

The fourth trimester

Mum cradling newborn in their nursery

Newborn | | HiPP Organic

Throughout your pregnancy, you’ve measured the passing of time in trimesters. Now that your baby is here, it can be helpful to think of the first three months of their life as the fourth trimester. It’s a period of transition between pregnancy and parenthood for you, and from life inside the womb to the outside world for your baby.