Weaning The Superfetation Twins by @roberts.supertwins
Weaning | | Rebecca Roberts
Rebecca’s little ones, Noah and Rosalie, are superfetation twins (@roberts.supertwins) - this means that these two cuties were conceived three weeks apart, making them the 14th pair of ‘super twins’ ever recorded!
We checked in with Rebecca to see how Noah and Rosalie are finding weaning with HiPP jars...
I am mum to twins; these are very special babies as they are Superfetation Twins. My twins were conceived 3 weeks apart and have taken the medical world by surprise. We are very blessed to have our twins. They were born early at 33 weeks and 30 weeks. Which makes weaning somewhat different. Noah, the eldest twin has taken to weaning really well, Rosalie the younger twin hasn’t shown any interest at all. I was a bit worried with weaning, hoping I’d get it right. I know as new parents we worry about absolutely anything!
Puréed fruit & veg
I started Noah off with some baby rice, he didn’t like it at all so I decided to skip that and head straight to the puréed fruit and veg. A little taste of veg early on can have a big impact on your little one’s weaning journey. Getting used to bitter veg flavours will help develop their little taste buds and help ensure they enjoy a wider range of flavours, so that’s where I started!
I couldn’t get my blender to blend a smooth purée so I have been using the ready-made purées you can buy. These are absolutely fantastic as there’s such a wide range of tastes. I’ve been trying to give him something different each day. You can even get creative and mix purées together and come up with your own blend. Don’t worry if your baby doesn’t like it, it’s not like you’ve stood for hours creating this delicious meal.

Baby foods can be so handy
That’s why ready made baby foods can be so handy. There’s some fruit and veg combinations that I’ve never tried before myself that go down well with Noah. Always watch out for any added salt and sugar in the recipes, it’s advisable to stay away from any added sugar. Fruits are naturally sweet as they contain their own sugars which are perfectly fine to eat.
Noah has moved on to two feeds a day now. He always has his milk first then his little meals after. Milk is still the most important form of nutrition your baby has up until it’s at least one year old. At lunchtime he will have a blend of fruit and vegetables. For his 5 pm feed Noah is having a porridge. When he moves to 3 feeds a day, he will be having his porridge for breakfast instead of the 5 pm feed. Noah’s favourite foods so far are, carrots, actually he likes nearly all the veggies, food with a tomato base, cheesy foods, all the fruits.

Enjoying HiPP Organic's baby foods
He really enjoys HiPP’s Cheesy Potato and Spinach Bake and Banana Rice Cereal. He’s recently moved onto some lumpy foods too and has also been particularly enjoying the Veg and Mozzarella Potato Bake jar from HiPP’s new Veggie Plus range.
Every time Noah has some food, we always offer some to his twin sister Rosalie. Sometimes she blows bubbles to spit it out, sometimes she lets it sit in her mouth for a while to really taste it. I think she’s almost ready and I’m looking forward to starting her journey onto solids with her.

Don’t stress about cooking amazing things
I would say to parents starting the weaning journey, don’t stress and worry about cooking amazing things. A lot of your beautiful creations will end up on the floor, smeared across their faces and if you’re lucky enough, your little one may like to wear their bowl as a hat! I was told once, just because your baby may not like carrots, it doesn’t mean that they won’t like them next week.
Have fun and explore with your baby, it’s all brand new to them. Have plenty of wet wipes to hand and a bib large enough to cover their front and push their sleeves up. You’ll be amazed how far the food gets! Most of all have fun!