Advice and support from expert articles

Cluster feeding

Mum and baby in bed

Feeding | Newborn | | Louise Broadbridge

If your little one seems to have an insatiable appetite and the time between feeds is getting shorter and shorter, they are likely to be cluster feeding. But what is cluster feeding? And how can I identify it? Our resident midwife shares all in her latest article!

Postpartum bleeding

Woman holding stomach and period pads

Postpartum | Wellbeing | | Louise Broadbridge

Postpartum bleeding is nothing to worry about and is a natural part of your body healing and beginning to return to normal after pregnancy. Read our article for a midwife's advice on what to expect after giving birth.

Early signs of labour

Pregnant woman experiencing early labour symptoms

Pregnancy | | Louise Broadbridge

Forget what you might have seen on television and in films, most births don’t start with a huge gush of water, crippling pains and a dramatic rush to hospital. This article covers the first telltale signs that you may be entering the early stages of labour!